Navigating the Teacher Homepage

The Teacher Homepage serves as your starting point for each day. It's meant to give you high level information at a glance about your students and the skills they are assigned, as well as skill assignment suggestions and more. Information on this page begins to populate once students complete their Initial Diagnostic.

How do I look at a specific class on the Teacher Homepage?

By default, when you log in you will be directed to the Teacher Homepage and it will display a snapshot of information for all of your classes. If you have multiple classes, you can drill down and focus on a specific class by selecting it from the drop-down on the left. You can also search for a specific class using the Search button to the right of the Classes dropdown. Within this search tool, you have the option to filter by the class name, teacher, grade, section, location, tags, or status. You may also clear filters to restart the search. The left navigation panel is also collapsible, using the arrow icon at the top.

Once you have selected a class, you’ll see the header change and new information added, such as Class Details and Class Invitation. The widgets in the center and right of the page will also update to include students in the selected class only. Class Details and Class Invitation will populate on the left side of the screen, right under the Navigation menu.

Class Details displays information about the class chosen. You can edit the class information from this widget by clicking the pencil icon.

Class Invitation displays the class code that should be shared with your students or co-teachers when they are joining the class for the first time. For more information on how to use the class code, check out Inviting Students and How Do I Add Teachers to a Class?


Moving Widgets: The widget placement on your Teacher Homepage is customizable based on your own preferences and needs! To move a widget, simple click and drag the widget using the Move icon in the upper right corner of each tile, moving it into your desired location on the homepage.

Here are the widgets currently available on your homepage:

Looking at the left side of the page, you have:

Skills - Ready For: Skills that groups of students are ready for. You can click on "View Students" to see the list of students included in each percentage.

Skills - Follow Up: Skills that groups of students have attempted and did not pass. You can click "Assign Skill" to assign the skill to students. You can also expand the menu to view other follow up skills.

Skills - Recommended Overlap: Skills that appear on the Recommended Skills list of multiple students. You can click on "View Students" to see the list of students included in each percentage.

The above 3 widgets each feature the option to assign the listed skill by clicking on the apple icon with a check mark. You can also click "More Skills" to browse additional skills in each category.

Help Requests: Snapshot of students who have requested help with a skill

You can click the Help Requests title, which leads you to the Help Requests main page. More on viewing student Help Requests can be found here.

Assessment Snapshot: The total number of students the class who have yet to complete an assessment (right) and the total number of assessments taken broken down by score (left). 

More on the snapshot can be found here.

Current Assignments: Breakdown of assignments.

Clicking the arrow displays specific student information per skill: students who have completed the skill, students who have yet to complete the skill, when the skill became visible, and the assignment's due date (if applicable). Teachers also have the option to edit or archive the skill assignment from this widget.

Outstanding Diagnostics: List of students who are in progress on a diagnostic, along with information about which parts they still need to complete.