View Student Help Requests

To view Help Requests from your students, simply log in to your portal, and from your Teacher Home page, click on Help Requests in the left navigationIn this view, you will see all of the outstanding requests. This displays the student's name, the skill they need help with, when they requested help, the date and score of their most recent attempt on the skill, and any comments they may have left.

Once you've checked in with your student, you can close out the requestTo close it out, select the X icon. Once you've done so, you will no longer see it in this report. 

You can also view a snapshot of your students' help requests in the Help Requests widget on your Teacher Homepage. If a help request has a speech bubble icon, clicking on the icon will open a pop-up with the help request information, including any student comments, their number of attempts on that skill, and their latest assessment score.