Manage Skill Assignments

Manage Skill Assignments

The Assignments page is useful to see all skills that have been assigned to students. It serves as a place to manage the assignments and view how many students have completed the assignment.

To get there, click on Assignments on the left side navigation.

Once on the Assignments page, you will see a table that displays a list of all the assignments you have created. You will see how many students you have assigned the skill, the number of students that have completed it, and the assignment due date. Skills will appear on student dashboards on the day you chose to have the skill assigned.

Actions that can be taken from the Assignments page are:

  • Delete an assignment
  • Archive the assignment
  • Manage the assignment
  • Add an assignment

Delete an Assignment

  1. Navigate to the Assignments page (located to the left of the portal, under Navigate)
  2. Select the trash icon of the assignment you wish to delete.
  3. Confirm Delete Assignment.

Archive an Assignment

  1. Navigate to the Assignments page
  2. Select the file folder box icon of the assignment you wish to archive.
  3. Confirm Archive Assignment

Manage the Assignment

  1. Navigate to the  Assignments page 
  2. Select the pencil icon of the assignment you wish to update.
  3. Click Manage Assignment

Once on the Manage Assignments page, you can

  • Access a skill's resource page by clicking the skill link
  • Update the visible date and the due date
  • Add an assignee to the skill
  • View assignees, the status of their assessment, and access their completed assessment for review

After assigning a skill, you can confirm that it populates on your students' homepage by selecting the "View Profile" option in the dropdown of a student card. You can then click on the Tasks tab at the top and view the skills that display on that student's homepage.