Inviting Students

If your school or district is using Clever Secure Sync for user management in Roadmaps, your students will be synced to Roadmaps from your Student Information System. The best way to ensure that your data is being properly synced between your SIS and Roadmaps is to manage your student data in the SIS, instead of using the following article for providing Roadmaps accounts to students. Changes that you make for your students in Roadmaps will not be synced to Clever, and will be overwritten by the following Clever sync. We understand that this may not always be the perfect answer, so please reach out to the Roadmaps Help Center if you have any questions!

You’re ready for this step if… you’ve already created the Class students should be enrolled in. This is designed to happen on the first day of class with students, and will therefore require some time set aside for it. We estimate it will take 10-20 minutes. This is also how you will add any new students to your class(es) throughout the school year. The instructions below can also be accompanied by these editable Slides presentations: Student Self-Setup No SSO, Student Self-Setup Single Sign On (SSO).

Follow these simple steps:

  1. First, find the unique Class Invite Code
    1. Navigate to your class page by clicking on the class name in the Classes tab.
    2. You’ll see the Code displayed on the left. It is 7 characters long.
    3. Share the code with students by clicking Display Code (best if you are projecting your screen), or share it with students in another way you choose.

  2. Then, have your students request to join the class
    1. Instruct students to navigate to and enter the Class Invite Code.
    2. Students follow the prompts, which include entering their email address and grade level. Students that do not have accounts will be prompted to create them and Students with existing accounts will be asked to login.
    3. Once they’re done, they will be sent to a Waiting Page while you confirm their pending account.

  3. Approve student enrollment requests
    1. Wait on the landing page for the associated Class and you’ll see pending student enrollments come in. Your page will automatically refresh, but you can always manually refresh it too if you’d like.
    2. Verify the information the student entered - especially their email and grade. Their grade will determine the grade-level focus of their diagnostic and resulting roadmap. If necessary, you can change the grade of the student before you accept the enrollment.
    3. Click “Approve” if all looks correct. If any of the information is incorrect, decline and ask the student to try again.
    4. Approved students will automatically be directed to their Dashboard where they can access their Diagnostic.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you approve a student's enrollment in your class, they are issued a license and count toward the number of licenses your school/district is billed for.

In the future, you and your students will log in by going to We recommend everyone bookmark this page!


Can't see pending student enrollments?

  • You must have a single class selected in the dropdown at the top of the sidebar to see any pending student enrollments.
  • Try manually refrehing your page to view the latest requests rather than waiting for it to automatically update.

Class Invite Code not working?

  • Make sure your Class Invite Code is not disabled. Here's how: navigate to your class’s page and make sure the Invite Code is toggled on. If it’s not, it will say DISABLED.