Daily Skill Assessment Snapshot

Interpreting the Daily Skill Assessment Snapshot

The Daily Skill Assessment Snapshot provides teachers insight into the total number of students in all of your classes or in a given class who have yet to complete an assessment (right) and the total number of assessments taken broken down by score (left). 

The white segment contains the number of students who have not completed an assessment for the selected date. Hovering over displays specific student information. 

The left side of the box fills in as soon as students start to complete assessments for the day. It may take up to a minute for an assessment result to appear in the snapshot after the assessment has been scored, and you will need to refresh your page to populate recent results. The sections are broken down by score and hovering over each section displays the skill name and the corresponding students who attempted that skill.

Students who completed more than one assessment on the same skill and received the same score will have the number of assessments completed next to their name - see Demo10 Student10 in the example below, who scored "Room for Growth" on Ordering +/- Rational Numbers twice.