Access and Use Teacher Reports

As a Roadmaps teacher, you have access to reports that can help give you a sense of how your students are progressing on their Roadmaps.  It can also provide you with key information that could aid in your instructional planning. There are four reports available: Student Progress, Skill Progress, Diagnostic Results, Assessment History, and Login History. To access these reports, click on the Reports drop-down on the top navigation bar and click on the report you are interested in viewing. 

Global Filters: Filters that impact multiple reports have been migrated to live under a Global Filters section. Setting filters in the Global Filters section will allow you to jump from report to report and see information for the same filtered group of students!

Here's some more information on the various global filters:

  • Sites: If you are a user with access to multiple sites, you may filter the reports to show only students who are rostered at a given school site.
  • Class: If you teach multiple classes, you may choose to only display students who are rostered in a certain class or classes.
  • Teachers: Displays students who are rostered in classes that are taught by the selected teachers.
  • Teacher Groups: Displays students who are rostered in classes that are taught by the teachers who are members of the selected group(s).
  • Student: Choose one or more specific students by name.
  • Student Group: Displays data for students in a selected group. For more on Student Groups, check out our article Adding and Removing Students to a Student Group
  • Student Grade Level: Displays data for students who are in the selected grade level.

Student Progress Report

This report is meant to give you an overview of how students are progressing on their Roadmaps.  You can see information about each students’ ladder, data on how they are progressing on their skills, and information about what they have been working on recently. 

The numbers are dynamic and update accordingly any time a student works on a skill or takes a diagnostic. Clicking on any of the numbers will display a pop up describing which skills those are in detail. 

All columns can be sorted so you can view the data in whatever ways are most helpful to you (i.e. sort number of skills remaining from least to greatest). 

Finally, you can click on the student name, which will pop up the student's profile.

The student profile modal, which pops up after clicking a student name in the Student Progress report. The profile has tabs for student information, tasks, skills, assessments, and accommodations.

All columns in this report will update based on the ladder and other filters selected. If you are interested in seeing skills across both the grade level and algebra ladders, we suggest exporting each report and combining the two.

If you want to zoom in on a group of students, the report can also be filtered by a few different dimensions.

  • Grade Level Ladders vs Algebra Ladders: Students in your classes may be working on different ladders (some on Algebra, some on 7th grade, etc.). Use this filter to only display the student progress on the selected ladder. 
  • Count vs Percentages: This doesn't filter data per se - it just changes how the data is displayed. Either as a count of skills in each category, or as a percentage, where the denominator is the number of all skills in the selected ladder.
  • Recently: here, you can select All (to see student progress over the duration of their time in Roadmaps), Current Week (to see progress during the current week), Previous Week, Current Month, or Previous Month.

You can select one or multiple fields to filter the data, both in the Global Filters and the display settings.

Student Progress Report Column Details

  • Skill Statuses:
    • Placed Out: Skills passed on the diagnostic, or skills that we can infer a student knows based on the skills they have demonstrated that they know (i.e. if "Ratios - 213" hasn't been attempted, it will become newly inferred if/when "Equivalent Ratios - 117" is passed since "Ratios-213" is a predecessor skill of "Equivalent Ratios - 117").
    • Completed: Skills with an assessment result that is passed, or skills without an assessment that a student checked off as having completed via working through an Online Lesson, with a Teacher, Peer, or Other (this feature isn't available to all students - ask your administrator if you have questions, or reach out to the Help Center!)
    • Remaining: Skills that the student has not yet Completed.
  • Student Activity:
    • Skills Studied: the count of skills for which a student has clicked on a lesson or activity, but has not yet attempted an assessment.
    • Skills Assessed: the count of skills that a student has taken an assessment on. This includes skills that a student has passed and not passed. This excludes Placed Out skills.
    • Total Assessments: the total number of assessments that a student has started and/or completed, excluding any assessments taken on Placed Out skills.
    • Skills Completed: the count of skills that a student has taken an assessment on and completed. (completed assessments have a score of either great or perfect)

Additionally, you can export this data into a .csv file in order to do any additional data manipulation that is not possible in the interface. Clicking the Export Data button will automatically start a download of the filtered report. To read more about how to export any report in Roadmaps, check out our Exporting Reports article.

Skill Progress Report

The Skill Progress report gives you a better sense of the progress across all skills comprising students’ Roadmaps. Even before students begin to work on their Roadmaps, this report can be helpful in identifying where gaps in knowledge exist across your students based on the results of their diagnostics and which skills are Remaining.

As in the Student Progress Report, the numbers are dynamic and update accordingly any time a student works on a skill or takes a diagnostic. Clicking on any of the numbers will display a pop-up describing which students belong to a selected category. 

All columns can be sorted so you can view the data in whatever ways are most helpful to you (i.e. sort number of skills remaining from least to greatest). 

Finally, you can click on the skill description to bring up the Skill Overview. 

The Skill Progress report is selected, displaying filter fields along the top and report results below.

Skill Progress Report Column Details

  • Skill
    • Number: Each skill has a unique number in the Teach to One skill and concept maps. Tip: When you are looking at students’ Roadmaps, you can use this number in the search box to easily find skills! 
    • Title: the name of the skill.
  • Student
    • Remaining: the number of students who have not completed the given skill.
    • Remaining & Assessed: the number of students who have not completed the given skill, but have taken an assessment on it.
    • Remaining & Ready For: the number of students who have not completed the given skill, but have passed all of the predecessors for it. Great info here for planning!
    • Completed

Much like the Student Progress report, the Skill Progress report can also be exported or filtered by various fields. You can filter the report by Strand, Skill, or Skill Grade Level in addition to the Global Filters, and you can choose which ladders you look at (tip: choose the ladder that your students are working on - certain skills may be on a given student's grade level ladder but not on their algebra ladder and vice versa), and whether the numbers are displayed as Counts or Percentages.

    • Strand: These are areas of study and each skill falls into one of the following categories: 
      • Algebraic Thinking is all about the power of using variables as placeholders when we want to be able to use lots of different values.
      • Number Sense skills address ideas about relating numbers and operations to actual quantities in the world. 
      • Functions skills address predictable relationships between sets of numbers
      • Statistics strand focuses on what we can learn from data
      • Geometry strand contains skills that are related to spatial understanding 
    • Skill Grade Level: grade level of this skill

Assessment History Report

For each student associated with your school, the Assessment History report shows all of the assessments they have started. Per assessment, you can see which student took it, what kind of assessment it was, when they started and (if applicable) finished it, and what they scored on it. This data is filterable by any of the global filters, but also by date, by assessment type, assessment status, score, by skill (individual skills, or skill strands, or skill grade level). Additionally, you can export this data into a .csv file in order to do any additional data manipulation that is not possible in the interface. Clicking the “Export Data” button will automatically start a download of the file.

Login History Report

The Login History Report provides information on students' most recent login to Roadmaps. Here are our recommended steps for using the report.

  1. In the Display Settings section along the top, choose the time window that you would like to learn more about.
  2. Then, click either "Students that logged in" (this will cause the report to display all last login information for students who logged in during that period) or "Students that have not logged in" (this will cause the report to display all last login information for students whose most recent login occurred before the period began).
  3. You can then opt to sort the report chronologically (by last login time) or alphabetically (by student name).

Clicking Export will start a download of an exported version of the report, which contains the same information, for any further filtering needs.

Diagnostic Results Report

The Diagnostic Results report is complex enough to merit its own article: please read more by clicking on the How Do I Read a Diagnostic Report? article.