Adding and Removing Students to a Student Group

You can create custom groups of students in Roadmaps to help with filtering reports. While reports are filterable based on many values, there might be some cases where you want to look at a group of students that you can't easily filter for. Suppose you want to report separately on your ELL students, students with IEPs, or an advisory group. You can create student groups, which can then be used as filters for reports.

Adding Students to a Group

Once in your portal, navigate to the Manage tab and click on the Find/Edit option under Users.  Find the student(s) you want to either add to an existing group or create a new group.

After selecting the action you want to take on the bottom menu, select Go.  

Once this window pops up, select to either add student to an existing group or create a new group.  Click the Save button once you've taken action. 

Removing Student from a Group

Once in your portal, navigate to the Manage button then select Groups under Users. 

This will display a list of your current Student Groups.  Find the group you want to make changes to and select the gear icon then click Manage.  A window will pop up with the names of students currently in the group.  To remove a specific student, simply find the student then select Remove.