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Creating Your Class(es)

If your school or district is using Clever Secure Sync for user management in Roadmaps, your classes will be synced to Roadmaps from your Student Information System. The best way to ensure that your data is being properly synced between your SIS and Roadmaps is to manage your classes in the SIS, instead of using the following article for class management - we understand that this may not always be the perfect answer, so please reach out to the Roadmaps Help Center if you have any questions!

You’re ready for this step if… You have an Admin or Teacher account - in other words, you can do this at any time. Classes must be created before you can enroll students.

If you received a Welcome Email, follow the Class Setup instructions directly in Roadmaps to set up all or some of your classes.

If you need to do this at any other time, here’s how:

After logging in to Roadmaps:

  1. Click on the Teacher Home tab in the top navigation
  2. Click the Create button (found in the upper left corner)
  3. Enter class information and save
  4. Repeat for all of your classes!

Co-teachers should use the “Join Class” button. See this article for more info: How Do I Add Teachers to a Class?

NEXT STEP: Inviting Students