Removing Students from a Class

If your school is using Clever Secure Sync to roster for Roadmaps, changes to class rosters should be made directly in your SIS - changes to class rosters that are made only in Roadmaps will be overwritten by Clever's nightly sync.

Although students cannot be completely removed from Roadmaps, teachers are able to remove students so that they no longer appear in their class or student reports.  Upon removing a student from a class, all skill assignments associated with that class will no longer be assigned to that student and will not be visible on their student dashboard.

Removing Students

Navigate to the class that the student is assigned to, then select Students from the side menu.

Once able to view the list of students, find the student you wish to remove.  Click on the dropdown menu and select Remove.

When prompted, click Confirm.

You may also choose to remove multiple students at once by selecting the students and using the bulk action menu along the bottom of the screen.

Once confirmed, student should no longer appear in the class nor when you pull reports for this specific class.  If you are experiencing different behavior (ie. Student is still appearing), please submit a ticket via the Help Center.