Setting Site and District Time Zones

In order to accurately display timestamps for student activity (like logins and assessments) in Roadmaps, each user is given a time zone designation. This time zone can be set on individual user profiles under Preferences, but admins have the ability to set a default time zone for an entire district or site, which all users will inherit by default. However, if a user edits the time zone on their own Preferences page, the user-level time zone will take precedence over any site or district defaults.

Setting District Time Zones

District Admins may set the default time zone for their school district by selecting Manage on the top navigation bar, then choosing Time Zones under Settings on the left-hand navigation.

District Admins may also choose to determine whether or not sites within the district are able to set their own time zones by checking or unchecking the "Allow site(s) to set their own time zone?" checkbox - this is appropriate in districts that span time zones, or districts where site admins are more involved in the day to day running of Roadmaps. If a Site Admin sets a time zone for a site within a district, the site-level time zone will take precedence over the district-level time zone.

When editing any setting, don't forget to click Save!

Setting Site Time Zones

Setting site-level default time zones is a very similar process to setting a district level time zone. Site Admins can access the settings by clicking Manage, then Time Zones under Settings. The admin will be able to edit default time zones for any site that they are associated with.

To reiterate the "hierarchy" of time zone settings:

  • Time zones set on an individual user's Preferences page will disregard any District or Site default time zone.
  • Time zones set by a Site Admin for a given site will disregard any District default time zone, and all new users (and existing users who don't meet the criteria in the bullet above) at that given site will inherit that time zone.
  • Time zones set by a District Admin for a given district will be inherited by all users in a given district, so long as no site-level default time zones have been set, and excluding any individual users who set time zones on their own Preferences page.