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Assigning a Diagnostic Retake

You can assign any student a retake for Parts 1, 2 and/or 3 of their initial Diagnostic up to 30 days after the Diagnostic was completed.  Once taken, the student’s Roadmap will reflect the more recent assessment(s), replacing prior results on one or more parts. 

In order to assign a retake, find the student card for whom you would like to re-assign one or more parts of the Diagnostic.  Click on the bottom right drop down menu with an arrow. Choose Retake Diagnostics. Then, select the relevant part(s) that you would like to have the student re-take. This could be just one part or more than one. When the student next logs in or refreshes, they will see an alert and message that they have been re-assigned a part of the Diagnostic. They will also see the Diagnostic available to retake on their Homepage.

If you realize that you have re-assigned one or more parts of the Diagnostic in error, you can cancel them by going back to the student card and clicking on Cancel Retake. Instead of seeing the screen you previously saw with the option to re-assign the three parts, you will instead see the screen below. Please note: if a student opens diagnostic in their portal before you cancel, the student will have to complete the retake.