Roadmap Summary Views


The Homepage will give you a quick overview of your Roadmap Progress, Teacher Assigned Skills and Recommended Skills. This page allows you to start your work the moment you login and work on skills you are ready for! If your roadmap is not locked by your teacher, you may toggle which Roadmap you're viewing (grade level or Algebra) in the top right of the screen, which will update the display for Roadmap Progress and Recommended Skills.

Skills Tab

You can find the Skills page under the Homepage button on the left side navigation menu.  Once you navigate to the Skills page, you will notice that the left side of the page contains helpful summaries and filters.  You are able to Search for a specific skill, select a Recommended Skill List to work on, and view skills by Strand, Grade Level and Status View.  You can also use the blank search function to search by skill name, description, or ID. Lastly, an overview of your Full Roadmap is also available. On the top of the page, you will see some quick filters that are available, such as current recommended, Ready for, Teacher Assigned and Help Requested.

Our technology recommends the best list of skills for you to work on - check out your Recommended Skill List to see which skills you should work on next! There are some other Recommended Skill Lists, too, so once you finish the top recommended one, move on to the next!

Strand View

This section is a summary of your Roadmap that breaks it down into strands (groups of skills that address the different types of mathematical understanding). These skills will be related to each other and often will build on each other as well. You can click any of the individual strands to see more information and see  the progress you’re making with each of these areas of study. 

  • Algebraic Thinking is all about the power of using variables as placeholders when we want to be able to use lots of different values.
  • Number Sense skills address ideas about relating numbers and operations to actual quantities in the world. 
  • Function skills address predictable relationships between sets of numbers.
  • Statistics strand focuses on what we can learn from data.
  • Geometry strand contains skills that are related to spatial understanding.

Grade View

This selection is a summary of your Roadmap that breaks down the skills in your Roadmap by grade-level. You can click on any of the grade-levels to see more information about the progress you are making through each grade-level. When you are in the Roadmap section of your Student Portal, your Roadmap will always be displayed on the right side of the screen. 

You can use this as a reference point to get data on your progress and as a way to navigate the specific skills in your Roadmap. 

Status View

This view is super helpful!  You are able to filter skills by different categories so you will never miss an opportunity to get your work done.  Please note that you can only select one status at a time, otherwise it will default to All Statuses.

  • Teacher Assigned- When your teacher assigns you a skill to complete, you will be able to see them in this filter view.  They will also appear at the top of your Homepage
  • Help Requested- These are any of the skills that you checked the box “I need help with this skill.”  This filter will help if you are working with your teacher, a peer, or a parent/guardian for you to easily access these skills in order to look at them together
  • Ready For- These are the skills in your Roadmaps that you are likely ready to learn.  It will often include skills on your Playlist, but is another good list of skills to look at if you are seeking more experiences. You can also see these skills by looking for skill cards with the thumbs up symbol in the bottom right corner.
  • Current Recommended- Based on your Initial Diagnostic results and how you progress through skills, the system will recognize skills that you are ready for at any given time.  You are likely to pass the skills in this view, however, if you don’t, don’t worry!  You will have plenty of opportunities to pass them!
  • Recommend for Review - These are skills that the system has recommended that you review.  Check-out all the different lessons within the skill. 
  • Teacher Review Requested - This will filter for skills that your teacher has suggested you review.

Full Roadmap View

When looking at the Full Roadmap View please keep in mind the following breakdown:

Remaining: This displays all of the skills that you still need to work on in your selected Roadmap. In this picture, we see that the student has 75 skills remaining out of 95 skills in their Roadmap that they haven't Placed Out of.

Completed: In this breakdown, you will see the total skills you've completed out of the total skills that still need to be completed.  

Placed Out: For this category, you will see a different total than the previous two categories.  This is because this number includes the skills you placed out of.  For this student's specific grade-level, they need to pass 132 skills; they passed 20 and so that leaves 102 skills remaining.

Progress Tab

On the Progress tab, you can reimagine your progress through your math Roadmap as your progress on a real map! Check out the Key to understand what the different icons mean - in the example below, if you see an unhatched egg, that indicates a skill that you're still working on. If you see a partially hatched egg, that means that you're super close to passing that skill! And if you see a fun critter, that means you've completed that skill. Plants indicate skills that you demonstrated on the diagnostic assessment, and blank circles indicate skills you haven't tried yet.

Try clicking on the icons to see more information about the skill, including the Reflect tab, where you can view your assessment history on a given skill.