What Happens to My Account at the End of the School Year?

Roadmaps accounts are available in the current account year until the end of July. At this deadline, all Roadmaps students will no longer be able to access Lessons, Assessments, or their assessment history. However, students will still be able to log into their accounts and review their Roadmaps, and any progress that they have made will be saved for next year. As a teacher, you will still be able to log into your account.

My Classes

Your classes will still exist and will still have the same students associated with them, but those student accounts will now be downgraded to Student rather than Student Plus accounts, and the classes will be archived. You may choose to unarchive those classes if you’re running Roadmaps in the 2023-2024 school year - here’s an article on how to do so: How to Archive and Unarchive a Class.

My Students’ Progress

After the late July rollover and before students are re-enrolled in a Roadmaps program, you will be unable to access students’ assessment data. However, all progress that students have made to date in Roadmaps will be saved, and will be available to review once students return to Roadmaps.


Your Student Progress and Skill Progress reports will be blank starting on July 31, so be sure to export any data you might need before then. They will repopulate if and when your students are added back to Roadmaps.